so, blue monday is almost over...and while it was clearly invented a few years ago as a pr stunt, i definitely didn't feel on top of the world as i sludged (verb?) through the sludge to the bus stop to wait in the cold and the falling snow, for a bus that took its sweet time coming, to a slow, mundane monday (it's my new discovery that monday and mundane are practically homonyms and so that's why mondays are always so mundane).
so here are five things to make you banish the monday blues...they work for me at least.
1. girls is on sky atlantic on a monday night
- hannah eats cake naked in the bathroom. what of it?
2. property porn. this is my fave thing to do to love / hate my life and lack of long term forward thinking savings plan. i often like to go to and find the most expensive house in wherever my area of choice is at the time. case in point: this amazing former pub in bethnal green. i would totally pay like all my savings to live there (unlikely the owners would accept), but do away with a lot of the junk (though let's face it i'd easily fill it with a lot of my own...
- my future home...?
3. talking heads - this must be the place (naive melody)
i will be dancing to this when i'm bridesmaid at (one of) my bff's weddings next year. i need to learn a routine.
4. jeurgen teller. he is my idol and i wish we were bffs and he could just follow me around and document my life in amazing photos. he is exhibiting in london starting in just a few short days at the ica so i am making it my mission to go at least once. i wish i could narrow my favourite photos of his down to one or two, but i can't. here are some that i love.
5. buzzfeed. my current addiction for all things cute, funny, and quiz-based.
- i need cake!!!
..and there we have it! if you can get away with a sneak peek at any of these in your lunch break (definitely not when you should be working, no way), then it will definitely lift your spirits and / or inspire you to stop spending money down the pub and instead invest into owning one...likely to happen? oh fuck it - live for the moment.
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